“Thank you for 10 years of beautiful care of mind and body! I always cherish my visits with you. Your insights on all things health and growth mindsight are deeply valued. Pair it with your great great wit and sense of humor make you one of the best health care providers.”
“Kevin has taught me to honor the alarms my body sends me, identify the unquestioned constellation of feelings I have accumulated around my pain, recognize my learned associations of pain attached to certain movements (like getting in and out of the car), and tap new ways to speak to my subconscious to reprogram my deeper conditionings around my back, my strength, and my pain.”
“One gift of Kevin is the curiosity I now have about discomfort. What am I experiencing through my senses, and it changes and I follow how it changes. I don’t use the word PAIN anymore.”
“Kevin, you have helped me understand that my body is a system composed of interconnected parts. These parts are not independent or isolated from the rest of the system. Treat the system and you cure the parts.”